H&H RECIPEBOOK that was on EBAY Log Out | Topics | Search
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The Automat.net - Message Board » Recipes » H&H RECIPEBOOK that was on EBAY « Previous Next »

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Mark Douglas
Posted on Friday, July 27, 2012 - 9:49 am:   

Dear Marianne, has anyone sent in any information about a MANAGER's Manual & Recipes Book from one of the locations since about Early JAN 2012. Why I am asking is oon 09 JAN 2012 a person had listed a BUY IT NOW (instead of regular auction) Manager's Manual and Recipe Book that was over 3 inches thick and contained plating instructions, recipes and recipe changes from 1941 to 1969. A fabulous FIND, especially at $250.00. I tried begging the seller to relay to the buyer about it's importance to bring some of the old items forward, but got nowhere (in fact the seller was rather nasty IMHO), but no matter, the book was real and he had listed it with pictures. I was just hoping because of your website that someone inquired about it so the rest of us could hopefully find old H&H recipes that we want. Thanks in advance, Mark in NJ
Posted on Sunday, November 25, 2012 - 1:38 pm:   

Does anyone have the original Horn and Hardart recipe of their tart cherry pie?

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