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Posted on Wednesday, May 08, 2013 - 5:36 am:   

I've seen similar rcoiriettsns but still consider the security sufficient ifa) you have some random login number that you write downb) your account gets blocked after 3 tries.If the login number was your account number it could be used for denial of service, so I prefer a random number.Of course someone could still steal your hashed password from the bank and brute-force it which is easier for simple password.But then this is not much easier than installing a trojan, staging a man in the middle attack or sniff your password by other means.
Posted on Wednesday, March 06, 2013 - 1:59 am:   

Thank you for the wonderful site, Jackie! I love the edgnig on the dishtowel. I recently designed a lace edgnig with a similar look, so it is fun to see how many possibilities there are in knitting! I'm glad you are continuing despite this crazy weather. Thanks again!
Posted on Wednesday, September 19, 2012 - 11:44 am:   

I think the Verizon iPhone is a done deal. It is absolutely in Apple's best irenetst to do this. As for Mobile Me and it getting better, I don't know what he was supposed to say maybe nothing but I do think there will be major additions to MM in 2011. But the real problem is that for Apple under Steve Jobs I don't think they define get a whole better as not doing this to their customers. And they should.
Posted on Monday, August 06, 2012 - 3:45 pm:   

During an average Internet sessoin, most people end up with several browser windows and tabs open, and logged into various accounts, such as Facebook and email. Ending a sessoin without logging out of these sites puts you at risk of having your information stolen. Remember to always log out of all accounts (each of which should have a different username and password ).
Posted on Sunday, July 08, 2012 - 6:06 pm:   

I agree. I keep telling users that they need to use stoegnrr passwords, change them about every 45~60 days, and not post them via sticky notes on their monitor (or under their keyboards).Security is only as strong as the weakest link and we need to become more proactive in protecting our e-mail and on-line accounts as the hackers and scammers have become more agressive since the beginning of 2010. They're looking for the low hanging fruit in passwords and taking advantage of those accounts for spamming the attached address book as if they were that person.Your e-mail and on-line banking accounts have become prime targets for them, so PLEASE change that password that may not been changed since you opened the on-line account several years ago. A moving target is much harder to hit than a stationary target.Suggestion: Keep an address book of your websites and current passwords secured in your office or safe deposit box. This will help you keep up with the latest passwords and become a written diary of the sites you need to maintain active passwords with.Let's be safe out there Mark
Posted on Friday, June 01, 2012 - 9:42 pm:   

I always have toulbre with posting a new event. The instructions don't go w/the page. I find events calendar, no radio button, don't even know if I'm at the add an event page. All that comes up is an Add new event post. Not very user friendly to me. Please help!
Betsy Cummins
Posted on Sunday, October 28, 2007 - 12:35 pm:   

When my friend Lucy Bondi and I finished marching in the St.Patrick's Day parade in the 50's for our school Sacred Heart Academy we would go to the H&H on 86th St. for a hot chocolate. It was alway freezing the day of the parade and all we wore were thin navy blue uniforms. I'll never forget how warm and good the hot chocolate was.

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