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Posted on Friday, September 21, 2012 - 11:45 pm:   

Articles like this really grease the shfats of knowledge.
Posted on Thursday, September 13, 2012 - 4:33 pm:   

Posted on Saturday, July 07, 2012 - 11:08 pm:   

IPhone app market is a cteimoitpve industry, but it can also be a rewarding experience. With hundreds and thousands of applications available in the iPhone, it can be quite difficult to compete. This fact should not discourage new developers themselves. After all, the demand for these applications always been high. With current technology and the availability of tools for creating iPhone apps.
Posted on Thursday, May 31, 2012 - 4:45 am:   

This is great. I'll be using it with my first-year junior high stdtenus. Now, if I can only get them to keep the password in a safe place
Edna Henry
Posted on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 - 6:59 pm:   

I started working for Horn & Hardart at age 17 upon my arrival from Ireland. It was a great place to work, and gave me a start in this great country. I started work in the Flushing Queens store, and soon transferred into Manhattan 55St and 7th Ave. I am still in touch with friends I worked with there. The food was great, the morale wonderful,a great work environment, and there was an integrity about the way H&H did business
Leonard Cabral
Posted on Friday, February 29, 2008 - 8:06 pm:   

I started working at the Horn & Hardarts restaurant in the Cross County Shopping Center in Yonkers New York in 1965. I was 15 years old. I made $1.15 an hour. My uncle�s friend was a supervisor for the company and helped me get the job. I remember I remember my father had to take me to New York City to have a medical exam by the H&H doctors before I could start work. I believe I worked there for almost 3 years I did everything from soda jerk to dishwasher and they were my favorite two jobs. I loved the hot apple pie with the best vanilla ice cream ever. Does anyone remember the pies were sliced in 5 pieces? I do. I used to cut them. I made a lot of friends and we would all go to the beach together in the summer.
My Mom also worked for H&H in the cafeteria at John Wanamaker�s in Cross County Shopping Center in Yonkers. When they closed down she was transferred to Bronxville High School where H&H ran the school cafeteria. Bet a lot of people didn�t know that. Could you imagine you high school have good food from H&H
Bob Hession
Posted on Wednesday, May 02, 2007 - 9:10 pm:   

Aa a 14 year old, I worked for $.83 and hour from 4 to 8 every day after school at 30th street station. Wearing the white starched uniforms and hat, I stocked the retail store food shelves, counted inventory,worked the cash register, cleaned up the store after closing and
had to verify the days receipts with the store manager before she put the money in the safe($1600 a day). When I worked at the 16th and Chestnut Store, after closing I had to wheel the
remaining inventory over to the Reading Terminal
store(they stayed open longer), I remember bouncing the big 4 wheeled crate of food around the cobble stoned streets of city hall and praying that the stock boy there came to work that day, else I would have to clean that store up and not get home until 10 O'Clock.Never had the opportunity to play sports or the millions of
activities kids have today, but later in life I would become an Engineer, Naval Officer, and as a World Wide Marketing Manager I've traveled the World. It was a great experience !

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