Automat Locations in Manhatten Log Out | Topics | Search
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The - Horn & Hardart's Masterpiece » FAQ's » Automat Locations in Manhatten « Previous Next »

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Tracker Bill
Posted on Sunday, January 02, 2005 - 6:46 pm:   

I am giving my age away right from the start. Growing up in Hells Kitchen I used to frequent most of the Automats in the mid town area.
Here are a few locations I recall, can anybody add afew more? or correct my dimming memory
Forty Second Street (On the South side) near 8th Ave.- On 8th Ave between 45 and 46 Street.-
Again on 8th Ave.between 52 and 53th or was it 53 and 54 ?? There were a few others on side streets I can't pinpoint but one in particular was down a flight of steps.

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