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Welcome to the message area for The Here you can share your memories of the Horn & Hardart Automats, thoughts about our book or simply ask a question of the authors. At present we are not requiring registration to post here. But we'd love to know at least your first name and where you are from. Just click on the topic you want to view/post to begin. Thank you for your interest.
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This topic will have stories and memories visitors to our site wanted to share with us.
258 28 8-17-16  12:21 pm broncos elite super
Questions about recipes, we are always looking for information on the original recipes and adapting them for today.
158 17 8-16-16  9:37 pm Tim Collins
Do you have questions? We will try to answer them.
643 48 8-13-16  9:19 pm Pharmg609
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